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A full walk through is available on the developers website

Make sure your Android device is compatible! (Must have GPS)
Download the App by searching GPS Orienteering in the app store or visit:


Setting Up the Maps

Under the Maps option, Press your Menu Button (on your phone) and select Download Protected Map. The mapper will prompt you to enter an 8 digit code. These codes will allow you to download the associated map. NOTE: These codes will change as I update the map, so check back for the most up to date version. It is recommended that you download both the 1:5000 and 1:10000 scale maps as  this gives you access to the most training courses! 1:5000 is zoomed in and is used for shorter distance courses. 

Setting up the Courses

At the main menu select Courses. Press your Menu Button (on your phone) and select Download Course. The mapper will prompt you to enter an 8 digit code. These codes will allow you to download the associated course. You can also share maps and courses via Bluetooh. NOTE: Do not modify a course once you've downloaded it, or it will be completely different. If you want to create your own course, go for it! See

Starting a Race

So you've downloaded your course and your map! You're ready to race! First, turn on your
phones GPS
. The race will not start until an accurate GPS connection has been established.
Select Race from the main menu and select the Course you wish to race.When you're at the
starting position, Click Startpunch! to manually start or the race will beginautomatically
when you've passed the start. NOTE: You can turn off the automatic start punching
in the Settings menu by selecting Disable auto-start. This is recomended! Your phone will
beep indicating the race has begun and the timer begins. If Voice Assistance is activated, you
will be informed  the race has started and what your next CP will be.

As you race the app will automatically "punch" the checkpoints for you. For this to happen, you
must be within 3-5m of the virtual CP in the real world. In the unlikely event the phone doesn’t
punch automatically but you're on the CP, then you can punch manually by selecting Manual Punch










Race Types

You can race anyway you want, but I recommend racing under scenario  1 as it most closely imitates an actual race! NOTE: These are not all "built in" app options so it's up to you to choose your own adventure!

1) With a printed map.

All course maps are available for download and print on the Trent AR website. To train in a race scenario, you should print off the appropriate course map. Start up the GPS app and race!  You will navigate with the printed map and the app will prompt you via voice and beeps when you've successfully punched a CP. No need to keep checking the app. It is recommended to disable the Keep Display On option under settings. This race option uses the least battery power!

2) With the App only

Don't have a printer? Just want to get out and race? You can use the app as your map and navigate the course just as you would with a paper map. It is recommended to enable the Keep Display On option under settings.

3) With Assistance

All courses have a built in Show Position option, this shows your GPS position on the map. This is useful to turn on if you're really lost or are still getting used to navigation and always want to see where you are. This is automatically disabled at the start of the race so you'll have to manually select it once you've started the race. You can also switch on the Course Drift option for Voice Assistance. This will let you know how far off the optimal course you are. It is recommended to enable the Keep Display On option under settings if you're keeping the GPS display on.















View your results or how you stack up against others from Trent AR who have completed the course! Run it again and see if you can beat your PB!


Set your Name for results by editing this section. If you go solo add your name, if you're teamed up, add your team name. 

​Log Interval

You can select how often you will get your position logged, between 1 and 30 seconds. 

Keep Display On
Self explanatory, I only recomend selecting this option if you plan to race without a paper map as an aid

Voice Assistance

If you want voice messages during the race, for example when you punch or course drift, then select Voice Assitance in the Settings menu before you start the race. You will get a voice message when you punch (e.g ‘Punched at 4′) and remaining time every 5th minute at rogaining races (e.g. ‘Remaining time 35 minutes’).

Voice drift message 
The app periodically tells you if you keep a straight course to the next CP (i.e. within 15 meters from the straight course), e.g. ‘On course’, ‘Drift 23 meters left’, ‘Wrong direction’ (contra course) eller ‘Too far’ (passed the control point). The function only available for ‘Standard orienteering’ courses.

Gesture Punching
I recomend disabling this, as you have to move your phone back and forth to punch.



GPS postion shown on map

A Rogaining Course Race

During a race. Informing you what the next CP is. Click Show Map to see the map.

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